Mattias Johansson was born 1975 in Varberg, Sweden.
Mattias began his career as a photographer in 1998, working as a trainee at photographer Thomas Jeansson´s studio in Kalmar. There he learned the basics of commercial photography, developing film, darkroom technicues, lightning and so on.
1999 Mattias began as a freelancer at the newspaper Östran, where he soon held a staff-position. On the newspaper he developed into a photojournalist the hard way, doing up to ten jobs per day, specializes in sports, documentary and portrait photography. In his sparetime Mattias started to take on assignments from other national and international media and commercial companies and soon this had escaleted to a small buisness.
In 2008 the cirkel closed itself when Mattias began collaborate with Thomas Jeansson, just like in 1998, but not as a trainee this time. Mattias decided to leave his staff-position at Ostran and consentrate fully on his own buisness. In the very last days of 2008, for the first time ever, Mattias decided to compete with some of his pictures from that year. He won third prize in the category sport feature picture. The contest were the Swedish Picture of the Year 2009.
By the end of March 2010 Mattias bought Thomas Jeanssons Ltd and merged it into Maddoc Photography AB, (Mattias Johansson Advertising & Documentary Photography AB) and an exciting new time begins.

Marcus Funke was born 1977 in Örebro, Sweden.
Marcus began working as a freelance photographer in 2001. Mainly focusing on commercial photography but also editorial work. Costumer ranging from Newspapers to Advertising bureaus and private companies. Before this his main focus has been on television production as a photographer and editor working for national tv-companies as TV4 and SVT.
Parallel to his freelance work he held a position at Linneaus university as a lecturer. Teaching at the faculty for journalism and media production. Mainly focusing on tv and photography.
In 2013 he began cooperating with Mattias Johansson and Maddoc photography on various projects and has since then become co-owner of the company.
2012: Smålänningar – långt från Bullerbyn, Virserums Konsthall.